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Do you want to leanrn an instrument? Crowden Music School provides our students with the opportunity to access specialist technical training on their chosen instrument/s.
Students also have the opportunity to join or create clubs as part of the Crowden Academy. Examples of Student Lead clubs include the Rock Band and the Ukulele Club. Students need approval from the Music staff to book a room and use gear, but any proposal can be considered.
Which Instrument would you like to learn?
YES! You can now borrow one of our school instruments!!
Download the word document below and print it out.
Complete the form and have your parents sign it.
Bring the signed form to school and submit it to the Music Teacher for approval. Students who hire an instrument will normally be expected to participate in the club of that instrument and possibly the band.
Instrument Rental Agreement
Thỏa thuận Mượn Nhạc
Crowden Music School maintains an inventory of instruments which is available for no cost rental by students subject to availability. The school instrument will be provided in good condition. As such it expected that the instrument is returned in the same condition less normal wear. “Normal wear” is defined as zero to minimal damage to the body and working parts of the instrument. “Excessive damage” is defined as instruments with dents, scratches, blemishes on the instrument’s finish, bent or broken keys or rods, or missing parts. In the event such damage exists, the parents/guardians will be billed appropriately for the full costs of such repairs and/or the cost to replace the instrument. /
Trong khuôn khổ Chương trình Âm nhạc cung cấp một kho nhạc cụ phong phú để các em học sinh có thể mượn về nhà luyện tập. Toàn bộ nhạc cụ của Trường đều mới và hoạt động tốt. Vì vậy, Nhà Trường kì vọng các nhạc cụ mà các em học sinh mượn cũng sẽ được trả lại trong tình trạng “bình thường”. “Bình thường” có nghĩa là không có hỏng hóc gì trên thân vỏ và các bộ phận chức năng khác của nhạc cụ. “Hỏng hóc” có nghĩa là bị méo mó, trầy xước, ố bẩn trên thân vỏ; phím, dây, bị chùng, đứt, gãy hoặc một bộ phận nào đó bị thất lạc. Trong trường hợp có hỏng hóc, Phụ huynh/Người giám hộ sẽ phải chịu trách nhiệm thanh toán chi phí sửa chữa và/hoặc mua nhạc cụ thay thế.
Crowden Music School reserves the right to have the instrument returned to the Music department if it is needed for school or instructional purposes./
Nhà Trường giữ quyền yêu cầu học sinh trả lại nhạc cụ cho Tổ Âm nhạc trong trường hợp cần thiết hoặc cho các mục đích dạy-học khác.
Equipment Description: Type of Instrument:/Mô tả Nhạc cụ: Loại Nhạc cụ:_____________________
SERIAL #/ Số Seri: _______________________________
Rental dates/ Ngày mượn: From/Từ ___________________ To/ Đến___________________
By signing below, I agree to have read and fully understand the terms on this rental contract and agree to abide by the terms of this agreement./
Bằng chữ kí dưới đây, tôi xác nhận đã đọc và hiểu rõ các điều khoản trong thỏa thuận mượn Nhạc cụ này và nhất trí tuân thủ các điều khoản của thỏa thuận này.
NAME OF PARENT/ TÊN HỌC SINH: ______________________________
NAME OF STUDENT/ TÊN HỌC SINH: ______________________________
SIGNATURE OF PARENT/ CHỮ KÍ CỦA PHỤ HUYNH: ______________________________
SIGANTURE OF STUDENT/ CHỮ KÍ CỦA HỌC SINH: ______________________________
Do you want to learn on your own with a private teacher?
There are many ways of connecting with a private teacher.
You will need to consider:
Who should sign me up? You need your parents/guardians to help organise this with you.
Where can I find musicians? If you are a beginner, you can look locally first - there are many good musicians who are also good music teachers and most of them are probably not far away. TH School engages tutors on a variety of instruments - you could contact them to set up a private arrangement.
How much does it cost per hour/30 mins? Normally beginner instrumental lessons with a professional teacher range from $20-40 per half hour session. As you become more advanced the price generally goes up. By the time you are training professionally specialist lessons can be in the range of 100 per hour.
How do I know if the teacher is qualified? You need to ask for their professional qualifications and their working with children card or a copy of a recent police check.
For advanced players (8 years playing your instrument).
If you are looking to move into music as a profession you might want to try having a lesson with some of these International Professionals on Aeoyons before applying to a conservatorium.
Where can I buy an instrument from?
Hao Nam Street has lots of different Music shops. It is commonly known as Guitar Street - but there are lots of Piano Shops and lots of other instruments that can be found there. The National Academy of Music is across the road from many of the music shops.