Celebration: Music for Special Occasions


This Unit covers all different types of music that we use in celebration around the world, and that we have used throughout time.

We will prepare for a big Winter Concert which celebrates Christmas!! We will also make music for Halloween, and Tet! There are many other reasons we make music. Can you think of any?

  1. What songs do you sing to yourself to celebrate feeling good or achieving something?
  2. Do you and a friend have a special song?
  3. Does your family have a special song that is sung at certain times, e.g. when going on holiday, and so on?
  4. Does a parent or carer, or grandparent have a special song they sing at special times?
Notification of Formal Assessment Music IMYC

Learning Goals

4.01 Know that the study of music is concerned with musical expression and communication

4.02 Know the uses of the elements of music

4.03 Know about the origins and history of musical styles and instruments

4.04 Know the characteristics of representative music genres and styles from a variety of cultures

4.05 Know the functions music serves, the roles of musicians and the conditions under which music is typically performed in several cultures

4.06 Be able to use music vocabulary and apply the elements of music to analyse and describe musical forms

4.07 Be able to interpret standard notation symbols

4.08 Be able to sing and/or play a melody with accompaniment

4.10 Be able to create or compose short pieces within specified parameters

4.11 Be able to perform a repertoire of music, alone or with others, paying attention to performance practice, breath control, posture and tone quality

4.12 Be able to make judgments about pieces of music, showing understanding, appreciation, respect and enjoyment as appropriate

4.13 Be able to display a range of emotions while playing instruments and singing

4.15 Be able to perform as part of an ensemble and contribute to the overall experience of the collaboration

4.16 Be able to consider pieces of music in terms of meaning, mood, structure, place and time

4.17 Understand that the work of musicians is influenced by their environment and experiences

Journaling Questions

  1. What music would you use to put together an album called The Soundtrack of the Celebration of My Life?
  2. Use songs to describe different stages of your life:

• As a baby, your childhood, milestone events

• Songs you heard your parents or sibling(s) play or sing

• Favourite moments (a championship game, a birthday party, a graduation, a holiday)

3. Explain how each song helped celebrate something significant in your life.

Please upload your Journaling to SeeSaw before the Unit ends.