Music at Celebration Festivals

Introducing the festival of Holi, the Hindu spring festival of colours that is celebrated in India in honour of Krishna.

Watch the following video clips introducing the festival and the music typically played during the festival.

This clip features the Holi song against the backdrop of pictures of the festival. One of the main festivals in India, Holi is celebrated with enthusiasm and gaiety on the full moon day in the month of Phalguna, which corresponds to March in the Gregorian calendar.

This clip featuring a news report about celebrating Holi in Shantiniketan style.

This clip featuring the famous Holi song Rang Barse. Rang Barse means ‘shower of colours’ in English.

While they listen consider:

  • How different cultures use music similarly to support celebrations.
  • How the musical styles are different in significant ways

While listening answer the following questions:

  1. What musical elements are featured in the music?
  2. How would you describe the mood of the music?
  3. What value does the music seem to add to the celebration?
  4. How does the music reflect what is happening in the video?
  5. What do you think they are celebrating in this song? Why?


How is music used to support celebrations in many different cultures?

What are some differences in musical style between Western music and Indian music?

Composition Activity (in pairs).

  1. Choose a colour, then mind map words that you associate with this colour, e.g. red – fire, hot, fast, and so on.
  2. Select a tone set (6 notes) to represent you colour.
  3. Use your associated Words and representative Tone-Set to Compose an Indian-influenced, four-bar melody about your colour.
  4. Type your composition into Note Flight.