Unit 1. Creativity

Orientation Questions

What is music?

What are the main features or elements that make up music?

How do the main Features or Elements combine to create interesting musical ideas?

‘Elements of Music’

Key Words: Duration, Tempo, Dynamics, Structure, Texture, Timbre

Pitch: How high or low the notes are.

Duration: The rhythm, the beat, the length of notes and patterns.

Tempo: The speed of the music. Also note when the music changes. Does it speed up or slow down? This is a change of tempo.

Dynamics: Volume: How loud or soft.

Structure: The different sections of the music eg. (Verse, Chorus)

Texture: The different layers of the music (Monophony – Single melody; Homophony – Clear Melody with accompaniment; Polyphony – many melodies played at once).

Timbre: What instruments or sound sources are being used, and how is the sound produced?


Use Focus on Sound and define the following:

  • Rhythmic ostinato patterns:
  • Syncopation:
  • Cross-rhythms:
  • Call and response:
  • Polyrhythmic:

Key Words Task: Log on to Music First and open Focus on Sound.

Look up the meaning of the words listed (left)

Upload your answers to See Saw

IMYC Journaling Questions

  • What do you understand about the purpose and importance of elements such as pitch, duration, tempo, dynamics, texture, structure and timbre in music?

  • In what ways did you combine musical elements in your group’s compositions?

  • What new musical ideas did you add to the rhythms in your African music? How successful were your ideas?

  • What example did you look at where one style of music was brought together with another style?

  • What was interesting, new or innovative about the resulting fusion? In what ways did you create a fusion of musical ideas?

  • Which new, creative musical ideas did you add to an already established piece of music?

  • How successful was the resulting creation?

  • What did you learn about ‘arranging’ a piece of music in a new way?

Please upload your Journaling to SeeSaw before the Unit ends.

Extension: Can you invent an Instrument?

https://www.linseypollak.com/ - Visit Linsey Pollak’s site for lots of amazing ideas!!

Make your own instruments for performance and composition tasks.

