Mariachi Music

Mariachi Music

Mariachi music is a genre of music that originated in Mexico during the 19th century.

Mariachi is said to be an adaptation of the French word for marriage or wedding, although the Oxford English Dictionary attributes its origin to the Mexican Spanish ‘mariache’ or ‘mariachi’ for ‘street singer’.

Mariachi musicians have experimented with strings, brass, wind and percussion instruments during its evolution to what we hear today.

Traditional groups consist of at least three musicians playing a range of instruments that often include guitars, violins and trumpets.

The violins and trumpets usually play the melodic lines while the guitars provide the rhythmical accompaniment.

Mariachi musicians are also known for the traditional style of dress they wear as it often includes silver-studded charro suits with wide-brimmed hats (Charro is a term that refers to a traditional cowboy from Mexico.)

Listen to some Mariachi Music!!

Mariachi music being played in Cocula, Jalisco.

Mexican mariachi music, introduced by tenor and conductor Plácido Domingo.

Mariachi music performed by Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlan Cascabel Dos.

Research Task


  1. What does mariachi mean and where did it originate from?
  2. What is mariachi music and what types of celebrations is it used for?
  3. What instruments are used in a mariachi band?
  4. Is mariachi music played anywhere other than Mexico?
  5. Is there anything that is distinctive in mariachi music that makes it similar to and different from Western and Indian music?

Find a group of three to share and compare your answers. Discuss your groups findings with the class.

Consider the Tempos and Melodies that are used in the mariachi examples

  1. What do you notice about the tempo in these?
  2. How would you describe the melodies used in these mariachi extracts?
  3. How would you describe the rhythms that you can hear?
  4. What emotions or feelings do the melodies create if you imagine yourself at a mariachi celebration where this music is playing?
  5. What reasons do you have to support their ideas?

Composition Task

Using NoteFlight: Work in pairs to compose an eight-bar melody with Characteristics of mariachi music:

  • 4/4 time
  • Tempo – presto, vivace, allegro (Fast)
  • Use crotchets, quavers and semibreves
  • Write a simple melody in the scale of C
  • Rhythm – the use of syncopated rhythms
  • You may practise the performance of your melody in preparation for performing it to the class.

Perform your mariachi melodies for the class.

Evaluate each performance of your classmates based on the following criteria:

  1. Is the melody likely to conjure up feelings of celebration?
  2. How would you describe the tempo?
  3. How would you describe the rhythms used?
  4. In your opinion, could this melody be used to celebrate a wedding? Why?

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