Advanced Ensemble & The innovators

The Great Debate: What is, and what is not Music?

You will be put into teams of three or four. In your team Research John Cage to prepare for a Debate.

The topic might be something like this: The Affirmative team should argue that "John Cage is more of a Philosopher than a Musician".

The Negative team would be arguing that "John Cage is not more of a Philosopher that a musician."

Getting Your Team Ready

First Speaker:

  • State what you are arguing

  • Introduce the other speakers and what they will talk about.

  • 3 points

  • Concluding point

  • 3 minutes max. (Timekeeper will knock after 2 minutes).

Example introduction for First Speaker

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, today, the Affirmative team will argue that "John Cage is more of a Philosopher than a Musician". I will begin with some key points that will help you to understand this fact more clearly. Then my teammate: bbb, will inform you about x, y, and z (summarise those points). Then my other teammate ccc will share further points .

I want to begin with my first point: x

Further more - second point y

And we should not forget third point Z.

Second Speaker:

  • Rebut the other sides points. Use evidence and quotes:

  • 3 points

  • Concluding point

Third Speaker:

  • Rebut the other sides points. Use evidence and quotes:

  • 3 points

  • Concluding point

Return to First Speaker Speaker:

  • Rebut the other sides points. Use evidence and quotes:

  • Summarise their team’s, main points 1 or 2 extra points

  • Concluding points

Song Writing - and Arranging for Band

Form a band to perform your song - Mix in simple ideas - (4 chord song - Verse/Chorus structure) with innovative ideas (borrowed or invented).

Putting on a show

What things to you need to put on a show?

  • The show should be around 1.5 hours

  • How many songs do you need?

  • How many acts/bands/artists?

  • How will you manage transitions?

  • Where will your audience come from?

  • What will your audience be inspired by?

Performing at the Top of your game!! Performance Science: Frontiers of Psychology.

5 Performance Psychology Skills Every Musician Should Master: Blog by Anthony Cerullo (Sonicbids, 2016)