Courage: Songs of Freedom

The Freedom Fighters

Review of a courageous song.

Listen to a song that you think demonstrates courage and answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the Structure of the song using the following terminology:

      • Verse 1/2/3/4

      • Chorus

      • Bridge

      • Intro

      • Solo

      • Outro

  2. Which instruments you can you hear?

Drums Bass Guitar Ukulele Keyboard/Piano Vocal Backing vocals Synth Electro beat

Trumpet Saxophone Trombone

Clarinet Flute Violin Cello


3. Dynamics: When is the music Loud? Soft? getting louder? getting softer? Refer to the ‘structure’ and the ‘instruments’ when discussing the dynamics? Eg. The trumpet and drums are loud in the introduction. In verse 1 the singer and piano are soft.

4. Melody (is the melody Smooth/Leaping/predictable). Refer to the structure and the instrument when you discuss melodic shapes that instruments use. Eg. In the introduction the trumpet plays a leaping phrase, then in the chorus the singer has a smooth melody that descends (goes down) then ascends (goes up).

5. What makes this song courageous? How does the music help express this idea?

Anti War Songs - Vietnam

Meat Free Monday

Earth Song

End Poverty

Live Aid Full Set - Queen, U2 and Led Zeppelin

One of the most important concerts of the century. Live Aid 1985. U2 gave a 12 minute performance that made the bands career!

However, it was Freddy Mercury's performance that stole the show in front of 72,000 people. Some people claim that Mercury's performance at the charity event, was one of the greatest performances in the history of rock! He died six years later from Aids in November 1991.

Bob Marley

Jam Sessions: Perform!!

As a class and in small groups you will rehearse as a marimba/ukulele ensemble, band and choir. And we will have a Karaoke Competition leading up to a Battle of the Bands!

You will be assessed on the following outcomes.

  • Play a short melody as a soloist and as part of the group.

  • Play with the ensemble with musicality and effort (dynamics, rhythm, accuracy, breath control, posture and tone quality).

  • Play with sensitivity to the members of your group and contribute positively to the overall sound created by your class.


Time to Shine: Write Your Song!!

Write a short song with the theme of Courage or Freedom

Use the following:

4 chords (eg. C G Am F or C G D Em or C Am F G; you can also mix chords into patterns eg. F G Am Am, F G Am Am).

Use pop song formula with Verse 1 and 2, Chorus, Bridge, Introduction and Outro.

Write simple lyrics with some Rhyming at the end of your lines: Tell a story in the Verse. Explore the main emotion in the chorus.

Change the order of the chords for your Chorus.

Get a band together to play your song!!

Submit a recording of your song being played by a band to Google Classroom.

Song writing starters

Have you ever...

Write a song using the first phrase:

Have you ever...........................

Have you ever...........................

Have you ever..........................

And then....

To much...Not enough...

Too much homwork, not enough lunch

Too many chairs, not enough stairs

Too much pollution, not enough trees

Too many bikes, not enough bees

Love Songs

  1. Write a love song. Any love song.

  2. Write a love song from you to a current or former lover.

  3. Write a love song from you to a desired or imaginary lover.

  4. Write a love song from someone else to his or her lover.

  5. Write a love song about an unusual kind of love.

  6. Write a love song about a complicated kind of love.

  7. Write a love song that never uses the word ‘love’.

  8. Write a love song that never uses the word ‘you’.

Break Up Songs

  1. Write a song where you break up with someone and you’re really happy about it.

  2. Write a song where you break up with someone and you’re really sad about it.

  3. Write a song where you break up with someone and you’re conflicted about it.

  4. Write a song where you break up with someone but you’re terrified of doing it.

  5. Write a song where you break up with someone suddenly after learning something new.

  6. Write a song where someone broke up with you and you want them back.

  7. Write a song where someone broke up with you and don’t want them back.

  8. Write a song where someone broke up with you and you’re not sure if you want them back.

Relationship Songs

  1. Write a song that says ‘I’ve never met anyone like you before.’

  2. Write a song that says ‘Show me some respect.’

  3. Write a song that says ‘I don’t care.’

  4. Write a song that says ‘I don’t want to know.’

  5. Write a song that asks ‘Baby, what’s wrong?’

  6. Write a song that says hello.

  7. Write a song that says goodbye.

Story Songs

  1. Write a song that tells the story of someone you think is really interesting.

  2. Write a song that tells the story of someone you think is misunderstood.

  3. Write a song that tells the story of someone you really dislike.

  4. Write a song that tells the story of someone you know personally.

  5. Write a song that tells the story of someone you read about in the news.

  6. Write a song that tells the story of an existing fictional character.

  7. Write a song that tells a story about you, but from someone else’s perspective

Personal / Artist Songs

  1. Write a song that introduces us to you as an artist.

  2. Write a song that introduces us to someone else as an artist.

  3. Write a song based on your key life philosophy.

  4. Write a song that tells us something nobody else knows about you.

  5. Write a song about a major event in your life.

  6. Write a song about a major change in your life.

  7. Write a song about what you want in life.

  8. Write a song about your biggest hope in life.

  9. Write a song about your biggest disappointment in life.

  10. Write a song about growing up in your particular neighborhood.

‘I Am’ Songs

  1. Write a song that says ‘I’m happy.’ (And tell us why.)

  2. Write a song that says ‘I’m sad.’ (And tell us why.)

  3. Write a song that says ‘I don’t know.’

  4. Write a song that says ‘Nothing’s gonna stop me.’

  5. Write a song that says ‘Something awesome is coming.’

  6. Write a song that says ‘I’ve been holding myself back all this time.’

  7. Write a song that says ‘I’m ready to start a new chapter in my life.’

  8. Write a song that says ‘I need help.’

  9. Write a song that says ‘I never saw that coming.’

  10. Write a song that says ‘I was right all along.’

Public Service Announcement Songs

  1. Write a song that makes people feel happy.

  2. Write a song that makes people laugh.

  3. Write a song that makes people want to dance.

  4. Write a song that makes people say ‘I love you’ more.

  5. Write a song that motivates people.

  6. Write a song that encourages people to be themselves.

  7. Write a PSA song of your choice – think ‘Always Wear Sunscreen’.

Other Story Songs

  1. Write a song from a parent to their son or daughter.

  2. Write a song from a son or daughter to their parent.

  3. Write a song for two friends.

  4. Write a song for two enemies.

  5. Write a song for two siblings.

  6. Write a song for two lovers.

  7. Write a song about getting married.

  8. Write a song about eloping.

  9. Write a song about moving to a new town.

  10. Write a Christmas song.

  11. Write an Easter song.

  12. Write a Kwanzaa song.

  13. Write a Hanukah song.

  14. Write a ‘We make a great team’ song.

  15. Write a ‘What would I do without you?’ song.

Start with a Lyrical Hook (Title)

  1. Write a song with a one-word hook – think ‘Jealousy’, ‘Hello’, ‘Fever’.

  2. Write a song with a two-word hook – think ‘Bad Romance’, ‘Space Cowboy’.

  3. Write a song with a hook that’s a phrase – think ‘No Good at Goodbyes’.

  4. Write a song with a hook that’s a complete sentence – think ‘I’m Outta Love’.

  5. Write a song with a hook that’s a question – think ‘Where Is the Love?’.

  6. Come up with a totally original word or phrase – think ‘Love Foolosophy’, ‘Ghetto Gospel’ – and make that your hook.

  7. Take the lyrical hook of an existing song, change one word and make that your hook.

  8. Take the lyrical hook of an existing song, make that your hook BUT write about a completely different story or situation.

Start with a Melody

  1. Write a perky melody, figure out a song story that fits it, then write that song.

  2. Write a simple melody, figure out a song story that fits it, then write that song.

  3. Write an expressive melody, figure out a song story that fits it, then write that song.

  4. Write a melancholy melody, figure out a song story that fits it, then write that song.

  5. Write a melody that repeats a single rhythmic motif, figure out a song story that fits it, then write that song.

Start with a Groove

  1. Write an upbeat groove, figure out a song story that fits it, then write that song.

  2. Write a melancholy groove, figure out a song story that fits it, then write that song.

  3. Write a funky groove, figure out a song story that fits it, then write that song.

  4. Write a weird-sounding groove, figure out a song story that fits it, then write that song.

  5. Write a chilled-out groove, figure out a song story that fits it, then write that song.

  6. Write a groove based on two alternating chords, figure out a song story that fits it, then write that song.

  7. Write a groove based on a simple three- or four-chord progression, figure out a song story that fits it, then write that song.

  8. Write a groove based on a chord progression from an existing song, figure out a song story that fits it, then write that song.

  9. Set a drum loop playing then freestyle lyrics over the top until that gives you a song idea. Then write that song.


  1. Write a song about life on other planets.

  2. Write a song about your pet rock Ignacio.

  3. Write a song about the Northern Line Extension to Battersea.

  4. Write a song about the life and death of Hildegard von Bingen.

  5. Write a song about a sweet potato that looks like Michael Caine.

  6. Write a song that never uses the letter ‘m’.

  7. Write a song that has a 60-second sackbut solo.

  8. Write the song you’ve always wanted to write.

  9. Write the song you’ve just decided you wanted to write.

  10. Write the song you’ve never wanted to write.

  11. Write the song you still don’t want to write.

  12. Write the song you’re totally petrified to write.